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Scarica per Yumi
Adatto per macchina:
  • Supercook SC350
  • Supercook SC400

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    Creato il 2022-01-27
    Qualificata da Supercook CL
    Suggerito da Kitchen Center Chile
    Tempo di preparazione: 27 Minuti


    While cooking the soup you can cook fish in pieces or vegetables cut into bite-sized pieces on the steam set. The time may be different, therefore the cooking of the steamed food should be checked.

    Elenco ingredienti

    3 medium zucchini, washed and chopped
    500 grammi zapallo camote, washed and chopped
    1/2 onion cut in two
    50 Millilitro/ millilitri olio d'oliva
    250 Millilitro/ millilitri latte
    250 Millilitro/ millilitri acqua
    1 dado vegetale
    1 cucchiaino/ cucchiaini turmeric powder
    sale q.b.

    Preparazione - Passo dopo passo

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